Health & Safety

Responsibility for Health & Safety within Westmade…

Health and safety is a key consideration at Westmade Ltd. The safety of all persons working on or visiting our sites is of paramount importance. It is our aim to promote safe methods of working at all times to achive a safe working environment. We see this as a team effort with every employee from the operative on site to office management pulling together to create a safer workplace.

Westmade Ltd uses an external Health and Safety consultant to oversee the whole safety process. They undertake inspections, give specialist advice and keep the company up to date with the constantly changing health and safety regulations. In addition to this Westmade also has internal systems and checks to ensure day to day compliance with safety standards.

All staff are required to undertake formal health and safety training. This is undertaken on a regular basis to ensure that all persons are aware of the required regulations and systems of work.

Sub-contractors used by Westmade have all been vetted to ensure their compliance with health and safety regulations. Before a sub-contractor starts on site, they are required to complete a health and safety questionnaire and references are obtained to ensure that their standards of safety meet our requirements. Most of the sub-contractors that Westmade use have been working with the company for many years and are familiar with the high standards of safe working practices that are required.

Risk assessments, method statements and safety plans are compiled before all major works. These are submitted to our clients and distributed on site to maintain that everyone involved with the project is aware of what is being done and the systems of work that will allow the project to progress in a safe and controlled manner.

Work Hours

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm


19 Black Moor Road,
Ebblake Industrial Estate,
Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6AX
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24 hour 7 day a week emergency phone number 01202 829200


Allen Gilbert-Stroud BSc
(Hons) ACIOB Tech IOSH

Director / Quantity Surveyor

Lee Humphreys
Director / Senior Contracts Manager

Kimberley Brennen
Finance Manager