Policy for coronavirus Covid-19
In order to discharge this duty as effectively as possible in the light of the new threat that is Covid-19; it is vital that we continue to remain up to date with the latest guidance on this subject. The research is ongoing and new information may come to light at any time that may change the way we need to deal with this hazardous agent.
Our approach to controlling risks will be detailed on risk assessments for company activities. These will be updated following new research or guidance. Control measures for locations, situations or activities identified in risk assessments will be a combination of the following:
Minimize the numbers of people potentially exposed
Members of staff who are able to work from home should do so. Those who do need to enter the workplace, either as they have no choice or because it is necessary from time to time, will work according to the risk assessment for our workplace.
Making use of available technology
We will use video conferencing software where possible to conduct meetings and conversations.
Encourage good hand hygiene
Staff and any other people on our premises will be encouraged to wash hands thoroughly in accordance with NHS guidelines on entry into the premises and frequently throughout the day. This simple but effective measure is one of the most powerful control measures at limiting the spread of this virus.
Hand sanitizer (minimum 60% alcohol) will be made available also and should be carried by those who need to travel as part of their job
Arrange the workplace to allow social distancing
Workplace layouts, floor markings and signage will be reviewed to ensure social distancing can be adhered too in all workplaces controlled by Westmade Ltd. Employees will be given information on the use of the workplace and how to reduce the chances of contracting or passing on the virus.
Cleaning regimes
The virus can live on some surfaces for up to 3 days, so controlling this risk by instigating hygiene procedures is vital. The cleaning regime for the workplace will be upgraded to accommodate the need for additional or more thorough cleaning. A detailed checklist of what is required will be drawn up.
Provide information, signage and warnings to employees and others
Clear warnings and reminders will be posted and updated regularly in the workplace. All employees will be made aware of this policy and the risk assessments that affect them. Visitors to the building will be issued with information relevant to their visit.
Provide personal protective equipment
Face coverings may be required to reduce the potential spread of the virus. In situations when social distancing is not possible, any need for either face coverings or RPE will be identified on the risk assessment.
Employees Duties
All employees have a duty to take reasonable care of themselves and those affected by their acts or omissions. It is vital that the risk assessments are adhered to and that any defects or weaknesses in control measures noted by employees are reported to line management.
Employees must stay away from work if they or any of their household experience any symptoms of Covid-19. They must inform their line manager, obtain a test, and follow NHS guidance on self-isolating.
Work Hours
Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm
19 Black Moor Road,
Ebblake Industrial Estate,
Verwood, Dorset, BH31 6AX
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24 hour 7 day a week emergency phone number 01202 829200
Allen Gilbert-Stroud BSc
(Hons) ACIOB Tech IOSH
Director / Quantity Surveyor
Lee Humphreys
Director / Senior Contracts Manager
Kimberley Brennen
Finance Manager